
Showing posts from November, 2014

Restaurant Rave: Iron Rooster

Seeing as I'm a big fan of eating food in general, I get very excited when new restaurants open.  Of course, lately, there haven't been many in my neck of the woods.  There have been lots of closings but not many openings.  That changed this month when Maria's in Annapolis closed and Iron Rooster opened.  The deal is this: breakfast served all day.  How can you resist?  That alone would make it pretty popular.  But add to it the awesome menu and great atmosphere, the free valet and the welcoming staff, and they just may have a hit on their hands. The restaurant's been open three weeks now and I've already been twice.  The sheer number of times I said the words "Iron Rooster" in the week between my 2 visits, was bordering on the excessive.  My first visit was for breakfast and I just couldn't resist the Breakfast Burrito.  I could hear it calling my name.  And it so didn't disappoint .  The Iron Rooster Breakfast Bur...

Office Life

In my non-exciting, non-crafty, everyday existence, I work in an office as an Instructional Designer.  I check emails, make phonecalls, update calendars, edit PowerPoints, make suggestions and pretty much struggle to keep from falling asleep. Every office is a different little ecosystem, but I would venture to guess that there are common similarities between them all.  I'm sure that all cubicle-dwellers have learned the same lessons.  For instance: ~ No matter how brainy a computer geek is, some aspects of common sense escape them.  They can tell you exactly how a computer works, step by step, but possibly forget to eat lunch. ~CC, POC, and Calendar Invite become part of everyday language and you use them in sentences, even though you said you never would. ~ Admins rule the world and if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you.  In reverse, if you're evil to them, they can make life difficult to say the least.   ~ Supplies are often raided withou...