Office Life

In my non-exciting, non-crafty, everyday existence, I work in an office as an Instructional Designer.  I check emails, make phonecalls, update calendars, edit PowerPoints, make suggestions and pretty much struggle to keep from falling asleep. Every office is a different little ecosystem, but I would venture to guess that there are common similarities between them all.  I'm sure that all cubicle-dwellers have learned the same lessons.  For instance:

~ No matter how brainy a computer geek is, some aspects of common sense escape them.  They can tell you exactly how a computer works, step by step, but possibly forget to eat lunch.

~CC, POC, and Calendar Invite become part of everyday language and you use them in sentences, even though you said you never would.

~ Admins rule the world and if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you.  In reverse, if you're evil to them, they can make life difficult to say the least.  

~ Supplies are often raided without warning and if you don't lock them down you're screwed.

~ There is literally food everywhere which is fabulous for when the techy computer geeks forget to eat lunch.

~ Managers (wrongly assume they) are much too important to make their own coffee, clean up their own messes and send their own emails.  

~ People (most often the sames ones that are too important to make their own coffee) put far to much stock in what exactly is in the coke machine (or what's lacking to put it more clearly), what's free for lunch that day and what can be done for them.

~ Lights are over-rated.  Morning sitting at your desk in quiet solitude in the dark (checking Facebook and Twitter but that's beside the point) are a wonderful way to start the day.  Until of course, someone believes the opposite and ruins the whole vibe.

~ And last but not least, not to get all ageist, but the ones that been around for a long time, always think they know more than the newer ones, which just makes life difficult for everyone involved. Why is it so difficult for some people to admit when they're wrong?

It may be a boring existence, but if you can learn to put up with the everyday annoyances, the positives (lunch out with colleagues on a Friday, manager work days where there's no one around but the worker bees, in-jokes and most importantly the paycheck that lets you have more fun) far outweigh (most of the time...) the negatives.


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