State of Online Dating: Epic Fail

About 6 months ago, my boss jokingly told me that she had added my joining eHarmony to her calendar. And if I didn't meet that goal, she was not going to be happy. So after attempting to write a profile - with input from every person in my life, I hit the button and joined the site for a whole year.

Now after being a member for 6 months, I'm giving you an update on how it's all going. Long story, short - it's not. I've decided it's so not my thing. I don't know what it is, but there are no Prince Charmings on that site that like me, whom I also like. For starters, I've been matched with men way out of my radius.

For some reason, the site thinks I want to drive super far to meet my prince for dinner or drinks. Honestly, at one point I had matches in Connecticut, and New York. Now, it's just mostly Virginia and DC. On top of not listening to my radius preferences, they seem to not listen to my thoughts on what I'm looking for in a mate. Supposedly, I'm at least a 97% match with some of these guys, while some smoke or don't want children. I can't for the life of me figure out the algorithm that is supposed to help me find my prince, but whatever it is, I'd say it's failing miserably.

Granted, I don't try very hard on the site. I smile at a few guys, then refuse to open the app for the next week because I'm too nervous to see if they like me back. So, not finding a Maryland-version of George Clooney is not totally eHarmony's fault. But they have a little to do with it. 

Also, their biggest faux pas to date is matching me with a man I used to work with, that literally every one that worked with him, thought he was likely to snap one day. After that, I was pretty turned off, and may have vowed that I'd die alone surrounded by 30 cats. I've come off that ledge a bit, but I'm still thinking I need better ways to meet people. Maybe a book shop speed date event? Where's one of those when you need it?


  1. I think it's pretty hit or miss! I've never done online date but I know 3 couples that met online and married and are very happy. I believe actually does hold events where you can go and meet other people in person. I think there are also some singles groups on (although it's technically not a dating site).


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