Theatre Therapy

Today was not a good day by any means. It was pretty rough for everyone across the country. I found myself tied to the television, unable to look away at the horror show while shouting at the television set. Note to anyone thinking of taking a sick day, do so when a brave victim isn't being put on trial by a bunch of old men who'd rather question her memory than question the man she's accusing. It's a bit less infuriating and you may actually get some rest.

Anyway, this evening, instead of continuing to shout into the void, I went to the theatre. I saw Dancing at Lughnasa at Everyman Theatre. I focused on the words of Brian Friel. I marveled at the beauty of the stage. I watched the little choices the actors made. I questioned choices the characters made. I thoroughly enjoyed a beautiful play.

In other words for 2 and a half hours, I forgot about the confirmation hearing of the arrogant he who should not be named. I let that anger and sadness go, and completely focused my energy on the piece of theatre I was seeing. And it was pretty darn great! That's the best part of going to see a show. No matter what show you see, you're transported into far away lands, that have nothing to do with your current situation. So for a short window of time, you can forget what troubles you and completely immerse yourself in the world on a stage.

If ever you're having a bad day, I highly recommend some theatre therapy. It's entertaining and educational and you won't lose your voice from shouting at people on a TV that can't hear you...  


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