And We're Off!

The Scrap Happy Traveler is open for business!

Just typing that sentence allows me to breathe a bit easier.  The crafting part has never been difficult and I've loved the creativity of mapping out my cards and masterpieces.  But the opening of the shop, figuring out all the details and intricacies has been a bit over-whelming.  I know that Etsy is considered the best possible way to jump into business for yourself and they try quite hard to make it easy for you to open up the shop. But there are lots of things to worry about and figure out even with an easy-peasy site like Etsy. I can't even imagine opening up a brick and mortar shop - it has to be excruciating!

That's not to say it hasn't been pretty awesome as well.  Listing my very first item, while tedious (how exactly do you describe a thank you card other than saying, it's a thank you card?) was quite the highlight of my week.  I use Etsy to buy lots of gifts so I'm quite familiar with what listings and shops look like.  Imagine my excitement when, after clicking that preview button, it actually looked like a real live Etsy shop.  It was probably a bit more thrilling than it should have been!  I can't even imagine how happy I'll be if I ever make a sale. 

So that's that.  My journey TO Etsy is officially complete.  Let's hope the journey THROUGH Etsy is much more fun!


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