Travel Me

I've seen this quote a few times and I've really tried to understand it, but the truth is that I'm not sure I do.  I'm sure the author meant something very deep and zen but every time I try to wrap my brain around it, I just can't.  But that doesn't stop me from trying.  

Today's ponderings on it brought me to decide that Travel me was very different than real me; which admittedly is a bit of a stretch when talking about this quote, but there you go.  

Travel me, is always ready for something new - something to see, something to do, somewhere to eat. If travel me is in a new city or country, then she's sure as heck not going to go to Chic-Fil-A for dinner or heading to a Starbucks for some tea.  She's going to visit all sorts of new destinations and explore her surroundings.  Regular everyday me is much less adventurous and pretty much sticks to the same 10 restaurants and stores.  Regular everyday me hasn't seen much of the state she's called home her entire life...

Travel me is very good with directions and can find her way around most new places, with the aide of a GPS or just street signs.  Regular everyday me gets lost going to the grocery store and has to think about how to get home from places I've been a million times.

Travel me likes to get up early and stay up late to soak up every last minute in a new place. Everyday me often plots the death of her alarm clock and sometimes puts on her PJ's directly after work.

Travel me is organized and keeps all sorts of things in her bag for emergencies.  Travel me can pack at a moment's notice but is often packed weeks ahead of time, just in case.  Regular me forgets her lunch, makeup, pens, pencils (you name it) on a daily basis.

Most of all, travel me likes to talk to new people and hear their stories.  Travel me chats with people in stores and restaurants and takes their advice.  Travel me asks questions regularly and actually listens for the answers.  Regular me can go days without speaking to those closest to her via anything besides email or text.

So according to David Mitchell, I now need to travel far enough, that I meet Travel me.  I'd like to do that.  Because I have to say Travel me sounds a lot more exciting than Regular me. I sure would like to meet her... 


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