Boys Dance Too

On Friday, a reporter on Good Morning America chose to ridicule Prince George because he has taken a liking to ballet and dance. Now, I won't get into why a reporter is ridiculing a 6 year old in the first place. Without even taking gender politics into account, it is atrocious. But why is a little boy taking dance a big deal? And why in the world would a network reporter - who has a great deal of experience in reporting on sensitive topics - be so insensitive?

Good Morning America films in the heart of New York's theatre district. Every musical currently running, is filled to the brim with men dancing 8 shows a week. I'm sure a lot of the men in straight plays, have experience in dance as well, they're just not currently showing off their moves. Dance is incredibly difficult, just talk to people who have zero talent in it (like myself.) It's not just a skill but an art form, and to see men and women do it well, is beyond thrilling. Can this reporter even guess what a fulfilling career in the arts looks like, or what it can do for a person?

There are so many worse things that Prince George could be doing with his time. In the age of gender stereotypes and hate speech, why are we telling kids reveling in the arts is anything but ok? Let them be who they want to be. Life is hard enough as it is. 

And ABC - do better!


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